Technology has completely changed the American workplace. Many companies have found that it is no longer necessary to have employees in the office every work day. Some of them have instituted permanent work-from-home policies that save businesses money and increase employee satisfaction. However, it may not be the best choice for every company here in Georgia. It may be best to outline a WFH policy as part of an employment agreement to avoid confusion and possible legal ramifications.
For many companies, WFH is an accepted part of work culture, whether employees are permanently off-site or have a few days a week where they log in from home. This arrangement can be beneficial to everyone, as a recent survey found that 80% of employees would rather work from home if offered the option. Companies can save money on overhead, not having to pay as much for building space, utilities or other costs that support a normal business.
However, the same benefit can also prove problematic for some companies. Businesses that allow employees to not just work from home, but anywhere may attract the best talent, but there may also be controversy. Paying those employees the same salary as a worker who lives in a more expensive area can breed resentment. Employees also have less ability to collaborate, since they’re not located in the same city, let alone the same building. A business will have to weigh all of the pros and cons before deciding whether WFH is the right choice.
It may be best to specify a WFH policy in writing and make it part of an employment agreement. This way, a Georgia business always has that as a guide and resource for employees who have questions. It may even help fend off accusations of discrimination or favoritism by some workers. A company who is unsure of the best way to accomplish this may want to consult an attorney who specializes in numerous areas of business and employment law.