When you run a business, you often find yourself having to handle tasks you’ve never encountered before. More than likely, especially if your business in the tech field, you will have to investigate a sexual harassment complaint at some point. Unfortunately, according...
What’s the difference between an employee and a contractor?
The average business in Georgia might employ both employees and independent contractors. As an employer, correctly classifying workers is essential for meeting legal obligations. However, some business owners struggle to differentiate between an employee and a...
Which organization is best for your business?
The recent economic uncertainties of the past year may have you wondering whether you want to continue working for someone else or if it may be time to take your great idea and start your own business. Perhaps this plan has been on your back burner for years, and now...
Addressing business disputes in Georgia
Running a business means being prepared for all sorts of eventualities. Although you may have felt you were prepared for any eventuality, you still ended up having to deal with the more unpleasant side of the business world -- disputes. Business disputes can interrupt...